CBD for Pain After Surgery: Finding Postoperative Relief – Muscle MX
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CBD for Pain After Surgery: Finding Postoperative Relief
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Pain Management


CBD for Pain After Surgery: Finding Postoperative Relief

Perhaps you are preparing for an upcoming surgery and are worried about post-surgery pain management. Often, invasive surgeries come with varying levels of pain that follow during the healing process. This
pain is most commonly managed with the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opiates, or topical numbing or pain relief medication.

However, with extensive studies showing the positive effects of cannabidiol, or CBD, people have begun using it as an alternative to other pain and inflammation management. Keep reading to learn more about using CBD as pain management, how to dose CBD for pain, and what you should consider before using CBD as a postoperative pain management alternative.

Is CBD Effective To Relieve Pain in Post-Surgery Patients?

CBD is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis, making it one of the most highly studied compounds next to tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.Oftens, people are drawn to CBD products when they want to reap its healing benefits while avoiding the psychoactive compounds found in the cannabis plant, such as THC.

In the midst of an opioid epidemic, CBD is also being used as a non-addictive alternative to manage chronic and postoperative pain, which might otherwise be managed with drugs like oxycodone, fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine, and methadone.

CBD has been found to act as an anti-inflammatory and works with your body to create pain-relieving effects, making it a candidate for post-surgery patients looking for a more natural way to manage their pain. Upon its legalization, CBD can now be found in various products, including capsules, topicals, and edibles. Its versatility makes CBD an attractive option for patients who may prefer a specific type of pain management, as well as providing patients with options that best fit their post-surgery recovery needs.

How CBD Works for Post-Surgical Pain

Since its legalization, CBD has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat two types of epilepsy, and various studies have shown the connection between CBD and the treatment of Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, and multiple musculoskeletal conditions. Additionally, CBD has been used for treating various types of pain, which is why 60% of people claim they use CBD.

CBD has been found to work with your body to create pain-relieving effects and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Your body naturally has an endocannabinoid system, or ECS, that regulatesvarious physiological processes, including wound healing, blood pressure, pain perception, brain cell production, glucose metabolism, and immune function. When CBD interacts with your ECS, it creates anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects that have been used to help patients with both short-term and chronic pain.

A 2019 questionnaire showed that 77% of surgeons said they would use CBD during recovery if a patient or another practitioner offered it. Because of the opioid epidemic, physicians have been looking for alternatives to regularly prescribed pain management medications. Early studies have already shown that CBD may aid in pain control following surgery while allowing the patient to avoid the adverse effects of NSAIDs and other pain management medications.

Understanding CBD Dosage for Pain

When treating any ailment, it's important to know what dosage to take to avoid any adverse effects from the medication or treatment. The same rule applies to CBD. However, limited research has made it difficult to pinpoint the exact dosage that would be right for each person and their specific ailment.

When dosing for CBD, it's vital to dose yourself slowly, review the effects, and adjust based on that analysis. Other things you should consider when dosing yourself for CBD include:

  • What you are treating
  • What type of CBD product you will be using ( oil, balm, lotion, edible, spray, capsule)
  • Body weight
  • Daily dose limit

Not all CBD is created equal, and the dosing will vary with each person and ailment being treated. Before choosing CBD as a pain management option, it's important to consult your physician and review the available research. Once you have begun taking CBD, listening to your body and dosing accordingly will be the most effective course of action.

What To Consider Before Taking CBD After Surgery

Although CBD is often used as an alternative to opiates and NSAIDs because it has fewer adverse effects and does not have addictive properties, it'sessentialt to understand some of the drawbacks and things to consider when it comes to using CBD for pain control. Limited research, varying bioavailability, and CBD's interaction with other drugs are the primary things you should consider before choosing CBD for pain management.

Current Research on Effectiveness

Since CBD has only recently become widely legal, research on its effectiveness is limited. This is important to consider, as there is no guarantee that it will work for your body or your specific post-surgery healing.

Currently, CBD has only received FDA approval for treating two forms of epilepsy and has been extensively studied for its pain-relieving properties. If you are worried about the effectiveness of CBD, it might be best for you to test the product before your surgery or have an alternative pain management plan if CBD does not work for you.

Different Forms of CBD

There are several forms of CBD, including edibles, oils, lotions, balms, tinctures, and sprays. Each type of CBD has a different bioavailability, which is the amount of a drug absorbed by the body and the rate at which it reaches the bloodstream. This is important to consider when figuring out the correct dosage for you. It's also important to understand the bioavailability of your CBD product to ensure you are reaping the most benefits at the most effective rate.

CBD’s Interaction With Other Drugs

CBD has some side effects that, when combined with drugs with the same potential side effects, could be more inclined to occur. It is best to avoid these drug interactions. Current research shows that drugs with potentially dangerous interactions with CBD include:

  • A common blood thinner, warfarin
  • A heart rhythm medication, amiodarone
  • A thyroid medication, levothyroxine
  • Several medicines for seizures, including clobazam, lamotrigine, and valproate

Turn to CBD Products as Alternatives for postoperative Pain Management

Surgery can be daunting, and knowing how you will manage the pain throughout your healing process can provide a sense of peace. Although opiates and NSAIDs have often been used for postoperative pain management, their addictive nature and adverse effects have made physicians and patients eager to find an effective alternative. CBD — and its healing properties — has taken the wellness industry by storm and is being used to treat and manage the symptoms of several conditions, including those that cause pain and inflammation.

If you are looking for a more natural alternative to pain management following your upcoming surgery, CBD might be your best bet. At MuscleMX, we provide you with a wide range of CBD products to aid in your postoperative healing journey.

Shop our CBD products today and find postoperative relief.

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