CBD Topicals for Inflammation – Muscle MX
CBD Topicals for Inflammation
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CBD Topicals for Inflammation

One of the most common yet most misunderstood ailments is inflammation. Whether it be acute or chronic, the inflammatory response is a natural reaction to poor health, lifestyle choices, sickness, or injury and can manifest in many ways. While inflammation is a sign that our immune system is healing our body, too much can be a bad thing, and can be a sign of an underlying issue. There are many treatment options, one specifically being CBD topicals for inflammation.

What Defines as Having Inflammation?

Inflammation is carried out by the immune system, the body’s inherent self-healing mechanism, as it is aware at all times of toxins, injuries, and infections throughout the body. Inflammation is used to heal the affected areas of the body as quickly as possible.

For example, when you have a cold, you get a stuffy nose. The stuffy nose is not caused by the infection itself. It is caused by inflammation of the nasal passages to discourage the infection from spreading throughout the body. Therefore, the nose becomes swollen, red and tender. Much of what is attributed to an ailment is in fact the body’s inflammatory response.

The immune system can become taxed and lose its ability to function properly, causing high levels of inflammation when it is not necessary. Further, the immune system requires support to operate properly.

What is Acute Inflammation?

Acute inflammation is a short-term instance of inflammation, often caused by an injury. It is not recurring, as it persists only if the body is under duress due to an ailment. The effects may be severe, but the inflammation eventually resolves itself once the body has completed its healing process.

What is Chronic Inflammation?

Chronic inflammation tends to be more systemic in nature, as the body should not be in a prolonged inflamed state. Typically, those with chronic inflammation are suffering from an illness, have an injury that has not healed properly, or have poor overall health that is causing inappropriate immune responses throughout the body.

What are the Symptoms of Inflammation?

The main symptoms of inflammation are:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling

The symptoms can range depending on the severity of the issue and the immune system’s strength. These three symptoms are also signs that cytokines are present in the affected area. During the inflammatory response, cytokines are rushed to the area that is affected. These are cells that fight invaders in the body and cause the area to swell quickly. Often, this results in pain.

How Can Inflammation Manifest in the Body?

Any area of the body can be inflamed. In severe cases, inflammation can become widespread, causing a number of issues simultaneously.

#1: Physical Pain

Most commonly inflammation results in physical pain. Arthritis is a form of inflammation, as is fibromyalgia. These inflammatory diseases cause pain throughout the body. Typically, pain is felt in the muscles and joints.

#2: Emotional Stress

Inflammation can affect us mentally as well. We are learning more and more about how both anxiety and depression can at least be partially caused by inflammation in the system. Because inflammation taxes the body’s resources, the brain can become fatigued during the process, thus struggling to regulate its own neurotransmitters that play a role in overall mood.

#3: Digestive Troubles

Inflammation can cause negative digestive effects as well. Many who are chronically inflamed suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or another disease affecting the intestines. This can cause everything from bloating to diarrhea, as well as constipation and excessive gas.

#4: Autoimmune Conditions

Autoimmune conditions are potentially severe conditions in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy areas of the body. Symptoms can vary and can be widespread.

#5: Frequent Illness

If the body is chronically inflamed, the immune system can be too depleted to properly fend off infections. Therefore, those with severe inflammation are more likely to become ill.

#6: Skin Troubles

Inflammation can manifest in the form of skin issues like eczema and psoriasis, which can both indicate inflammation occurring within the body.

#7: Allergies

Allergies are an unnatural immune response to a harmless allergen. Pollen, dust, and other allergens are not actually threatening to our health, but those who have allergies will have strong immune responses that trigger inflammation symptoms.

Ways in Which Inflammation are Treated

There are a few ways to treat inflammation, as described below.

Treatment #1: Medications

Anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed for severe inflammation cases. However, taking them too frequently can be damaging to the liver, kidneys and stomach.

Treatment #2: Diet

Inflammation may be a sign of a diet lacking in critical nutrients that support the digestive tract, including vitamins C and D, and zinc. Further, certain foods are known to trigger inflammation, such as dairy, gluten and sugar.

Treatment #3: Supplements

There are various supplements that provide the body with natural anti-inflammatories.

Treatment #4: Lifestyle Changes

If a person is dealing with chronic inflammation due to something like severe stress or poor sleep, they may need to change their habits.

CBD Topicals for Inflammation: Would It Be Able to Help?

CBD is a cannabinoid in the hemp plant, which is used by the endocannabinoid system to regulate bodily processes to help the body achieve homeostasis. It does this by binding with cannabinoid receptors that are found throughout the body. One bodily process regulated by the endocannabinoid system is inflammation.

Research shows that due to this unique regulatory process, CBD may be a particularly potent anti-inflammatory. It’s also nontoxic and non-addictive, meaning that people can take it indefinitely if they find that it works for them. Specifically, CBD topicals for inflammation may offer immense relief.

How to Use CBD Topicals for Inflammation

So, now that you know what CBD may be able to do to help with inflammation, you are probably eager to give it a try.

Quick Tip 1: Speak with Your Doctor

This is to make sure that you inform them of any medications you are currently taking that might counteract with CBD.

Quick Tip #2: Quality Means Everything

It is important to opt for a high-quality product that has been lab-tested by a third party.

Quick Tip #3: Consistency

Take CBD daily for the best results, and make sure that you go with a milligram strength sufficient for your particular needs.

Quick Tip #4: Types of CBD Products to Use

Yes, the cannabidiol type you select can make a difference. Our recommendations would be CBD topical solutions such as creams/lotions and balms.

Another Way to Keep Inflammation in Check

Inflammation is the body’s attempt to heal itself, but there are times when inflammation can become a problem. Chronic inflammation is a sign that the body is in distress, and so we must go out of our way to bring that inflammation down. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that give it the potential to be incredibly useful, so speak to your doctor and then give it a try.

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